dimanche 25 janvier 2009

Allez... dites le! Waaaaaaaaaoooooooo

So so so... SOmoto...

This is a beautiful view taken by Cyril from the pick up of the place we stayed at last week and are going back today. We were there to learn about an NGO called unicam, who works there to help farmers get better at farming, trying to help them get more water, get better seeds, grow more different things, and generally become more healthy and wealthy. As we were travelling around with a group of belgians who raise funds all year round for the different projects unicam does, well we had the chance to be very welcome in all these places, and to see things we probably wouldn t have seen otherwise.
Posez vous un instant et profitez de la vue... Et puis dites vous que vous avez la chance d etre terriens ( non non je ne suis toujours pas dictatrice.)

1 commentaire:

maman a dit…

bon ben c'est déjà dit!
vous voyez cela pour du vrai! bande de veinards
emplissez vos yeux de ces merveilles pour nous les conter au retour